
Don't Pay For Linktree! 5 Free Alternatives That Work Just As Well.

Thursday, December 8, 2022


5 Top Linktree Free Alternatives in 2022

Linktree is a great tool for placing links to your other social media handles from Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, or any other platform. However, it isn’t perfect.

We’ve compiled a list of the Top 5 best Linktree alternatives that offer great link placement features within your social media bios.

The number 5 is bio.fm

Bio.fm is one of the more advanced Linktree alternatives on this list. Essentially, Bio.fm is a content aggregator tool designed to curate your feeds from different social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify.

The number 4 is Campsite.bio

Bio.fm is one of the more advanced Linktree alternatives on this list. Essentially, Bio.fm is a content aggregator tool designed to curate your feeds from different social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify.

The number 3 is Shorby

Shorby is a bio link tool that provides a mix of most features available with other tools. With Shorby, you can customize your landing page feed using content from different social networks and even your WordPress posts.

It also allows you to link to your Messenger apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, email, and also your phone number. This is great if you want to let your followers contact you instantly through the link on the profile page.

The number 2 is Tap.Bio

Tap.Bio lets you create profile cards to display your social links and other elements for your Instagram link in your profile.

What makes Tap.Bio is different from Linktree and its alternatives in that it doesn’t have a vertical scroll on its micro landing page. Instead, it shows a single page that can be swiped left or right to access different sections of your card.

The number 1 is Taplink

Taplink is a popular free Linktree alternative. It is very similar to Linktree in that it lets you host a link in the bio page using Taplink as your third-party platform.

However, it has tons of great features and supports many different kinds of elements that you can add to your link in the bio page.

